Finding and Fitting Into Your Own Shoes

Its not about the colour of your skin, or the colour of your hair, or your eyes, or the clothes you wear, or the names your friends call you. None of these things define you. Actually nothing in the whole wide world can define you. Not another person nor a thing. Only you can define yourself, only you can represent who you truly are. 

All of us our fighting our own battles every single day, either with the demons inside us or the demons outside us. And most of us, almost half of the population, be it old or young has one very common demon- The Demon of Disapproval. This particular demon does not let us accept who we are. It is that nagging part of our own mind that keeps on comparing us to the rest of the world. It is this demon that echoes into our mind telling us that we are not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough or not rich enough and so on. This is the demon that does not let us fit into our own shoes, it makes us slip, fall and gives us those nasty shoe bites. We all try to figure out who we are, it takes some people half their life to do so, and this demon just helps stretch that time and makes the course even rough.  It makes us compare, it makes us jealous, it gives us a low self esteem
and it makes us insecure. Its takes away the best feeling in life from us- satisfaction and hence our happiness. How much ever we strive we'll never be merry. It snatches away the joyous and best parts of our existence.
 Only you can defeat this demon. Your own mind mothers this monster, so you have to strike it down from its roots. So the first step is to trick your mind into loving your self, however you are. Be so infatuated with your self that you only see the good things about yourself and all the bad things efface from your mind. I know its easier said than done. But if you truly want to rise from the dark pit and be bathed in the golden sunlight of happiness, you have to push yourself. Its the only way, you're the only way. Surround your self with people who appreciate you. Notice the little happy moments and rejoice in them. Just tell yourself you love yourself, and fake it till you make it.
 Nobody in this whole world is perfect, whichever impeccable image they put up. We all are a bundle of imperfections stitched together. And the true meaning of perfection is to believe that our imperfections are stitched together perfectly.
You need to know that your not alone in this fight. Some people covet what you are, while you covet to be them.
Its okay not to be pretty, let the kindness and love from your pure heart show upon your face and your inner beauty will glimmer on you. Its okay not be good at academics, let your other talents shine a light so bright that it hides the shadow of your other failure. Its okay to not be perfect, perfect your imperfections. Its okay to be weak, vulnerability is even more powerful than strength, to accept your weakness is to have won the battle, because nobody can use that weakness against you. 
 So from today, instead of saying I want to be like her or I want to be like him, say to yourself, I want to be like me.  Accept your weirdness, craziness, madness, your past mistakes, your terrible decisions and all of your life. Your past or your future cannot define you. Only how you choose to be in your present defines you. And a day will come when you will look at the mirror and smile at your imperfections, because you have accepted who you are, completely. And trust me nothing can hold you back then, nothing can steal the smile from your face then, because no matter what you know you can recover like a bop punching bag.
Accepting who you are is one of the few important keys to living(and not merely existing). Not a lot of people achieve it, but those who do, taste true happiness! 


  1. this is so good. Irram sent this article to me. its really good

  2. Man....You never learn do you shah. well, nicely done, but quite obviously I don't really dig senty stuff.
    Speaking with a real good heart,
    Stupid ismanyol


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